So, you’ve made the decision to give your house a makeover- what better way to transform your living space’s atmosphere than a paint job!
Everyone loves a good DIY (Do It Yourself) project, but when it comes to certain tasks, sometimes it’s better to call in the professionals! Here are the top 5 things that can go...
Commercial Painting—Make Sure your Contractor can Handle the Job!
Painting is one of those out-of-sight-out-of-mind jobs that lends itself more to visions of the finished job than it does of visualizing a painting crew applying the actual paint. But if you were to visualize a commercial paint job in progress, it should look distinctly different than the same visualization of a residential...
Choosing a Shade of White—It’s Not as Simple as You Think!
White tends to be a go-to interior paint color because it make rooms look more spacious, melds well with all other colors, and should serve as a simple option to avoid the dilemma often raised when picking paint colors. However, with more than 150 available shades of white, choosing the right white paint is not as simple...